Friday, January 15, 2010

The Famous Short, Almost-Easy, Film & TV thriller quiz.

Well, as you could see I didn't get around to posting any of Chapter 3 "The visitor" before I left for England.
In the end I just ran out of time! It was so bad that I had to make a dash for the airport without any sleep, as I worked through the night to finish off a load of blasted paperwork. Never mind. In truth I couldn't make the whole journey to the airport in one go & had to stop & sleep for an hour instead. The temperature here when I left was around minus 20 degrees celcius, so sleeping was neither easy nor safe, but I lived! Otherwise the trip went well. Had two quite promising meetings & met some great friends that I hadn't seen for a while. Anyway now I'm back & here's something to fill in a gap before I post the first excert of Chapter 3 of SEA DOGS....
I wrote the peice above earlier before I fell asleep putting my youngest daughter to bed & now I've awoken & it's 4:15am in the morning & I can't sleep, so I'm posting all of this now. The first Chapter 3 exert will follow later today I promise.

The Famous Short, Almost-Easy, Film & TV thriller quiz. 

1. Name the film & the character shown; & what did he have in his left hand side, inside jacket pocket?

2. Name this classic, made-for-TV, criminal series & what was the main character's name. Plus name her dentist.

3. Name the film & the character shown before he gets his nose job!

4. Name the film, the three characters shown & what just happened?...... "Don't open the box!" Poor Gwyneth Paltrow. "I told you not to look in that box!"

5. Name the film, the two characters shown & the camera man who took this shot.

6. The original 'it girl', but what was her name & what was her character's name in 'The Big Sleep'?

7. What is the name of the film, the character & her real Father's, Sister's, Mother's, Son's Daughter's name - on her father's side - I think???

8. Name the classic film, the characters & their real names. And what's in the box? At least Gwyneth Paltrow is not playing the beautiful wife in this one!

You are more than welcome to post your answers here & there could even be a prize in it for the most creative! 
Otherwise, I will post the answers on the 20th January 2010, so look out!

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